Replacement of Bridge on I-695 Inner Loop over Benson Avenue
Project Scope
Bridge replacement (urban interstate above multiple urban roadways and CSXT) which included a new 124’ single span bridge, new 627’ four-span Bridge and a new 174’ double-span bridge. The project scope included the base widening for maintenance of traffic purposes of an approximately 41.5’ wide section for an approximate length of 3,000’ along I-695 with full depth pavement. Tasks included grading, constructing reinforced stabilized slope, paving, striping, relocating and replacing roadway signs and placing F-shaped concrete barriers.
Construction included a 1,189- feet long MSE type retaining wall and a 353-feet long precast noise wall along Ramp 8, as well as converting the existing four-lane section of US 1 to a two-lane section with a median bio swale. The resurfacing of I-US 1 and I-95 ramp included asphalt wedge and level to correct the super elevation and F-shape concrete traffic barriers to reduce the slope impacts along the southbound side of US 1. The work also included reconstruction of sidewalks, complete removal of the existing bridges and partial removal the existing noise wall. CGI’s responsibilities also included the storm drain, storm water management facilities, landscaping, and lighting.