MD 180 Roundabout-Jefferson Pike At Mount Zion Rd
Project Scope
This project, located in Frederick County, is the construction of roundabout at the intersection of MD 180 (Jefferson Pike) at Mount Zion Road. Beginning approximately 625 feet west of the intersection and extending in an Easterly direction along MD 180 (Jefferson Pike) for a total distance of 0.275 miles. Beginning approximately 400 feet south of the intersection and extending in a Northerly direction along Mount Zion Road for a total distance of 0.166 miles. The work consisted of Fine milling, resurfacing and wedge & leveling of the existing roadway. Reconstruction and widening of MD 180 and Mount Zion Road. Construction of curb and gutter. Installation of traffic barrier w beam. Construction of central and splitter islands with traffic bearing decorative portland cement concrete. Construction of two bioretension stormwater management facilities. Installation of pipe, end sections, endwalls, manholes, inlets and riprap. Installation of a detour route. Installation of pavement markings and signs. Installation of LED light poles and luminaires, conduit, cable manholes and base
mounted metered service pedestal. Removal of an Intersection Control Beacon, strain poles and associated equipment. Installation of trees, shrubs and grasses.